Hi, Britain! What’s news?

English section Абитуриент Новости Разное

Every day something happens in the world: people invent a new medicine, test instruments or notice unusual phenomena. This article contains the latest news from the life of Britain, some of them are impressive, and some are shocking.

1. A huge jellyfish with a length of about 1.5 meters was thrown on the coast of the British county Cornwall. Divers studied it for about an hour. As far as is known, such jellyfish live in the Black, Atlantic and Mediterranean seas.

2. The British woman died in a fall on a metal tube. Now reusable tubes for beverages are becoming increasingly popular. But no one could have imagined that it was they who could cause death. This is what happened to a resident of Britain. Being in her house, she caught on the sofa, because of which she fell on a chair where there was a glass with a lid and a metal tube. The tube pierced the eye of the woman and there was a traumatic brain injury. It was not possible to save her.

3. Megan Markle and Prince Harry on July 14, visited the premiere of Disney’s «The Lion King». They talked with the actors, who voiced roles in the new film, and also took pictures with them. Prince Harry was reportedly very fond of this cartoon as a child, so he and his wife were very much waiting for the premiere.

4. The wife of the British prince is accused of spending incredibly large sums of money. Megan Markle insisted on building a tennis court and a “smart greenhouse”, the temperature in which is regulated by special computer devices. Such desires of the Duchess did not like the society very much. Residents believe that the prince’s wife spends taxes of usual people on unnecessary things. In addition, Megan Markle plans to do the reconstruction of an old castle near London. Prince Harry doesn’t mind.

5. British Prime Minister danced to the song ABBA. The action took place at the Henley music festival. Theresa May actively moved her hands and danced rhythmically. For residents, this is no longer news, because they have witnessed similar actions before.

1 комментарий по теме “Hi, Britain! What’s news?

  1. Thank you for such an article! This is very informative, amusing humorious, but not structured. But that’s all right. You inspired me to read British news.))

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